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Real Estate Investing Tips

How To Use Real Estate IRAs To Generate More Mortgage Business

Mortgage brokers now have a new way to generate business: showing people how to purchase real estate in an IRA or retirement account.

The concept is simple, and is a great way to generate new mortgage business AND Realtor referrals! You simply use the free marketing materials we provide you to tell clients, prospects, and your local realtors that they can use IRA and retirement funds to purchase real estate (surprisingly, most don't know they can), and reap the benefits of new loans and Realtor referrals!

How To Participate In Today's Up-And-Coming Market Niche

Investing in real estate through an IRA is poised to be one of the hottest new areas of investment. Why? Because the stock market has tanked and investors have lost confidence! Even with the recent rallies, it will be a long time before investors regain their confidence completely.

With foreclosures everywhere and real estate prices now at bargain lows, why not show your clients and prospects how to buy some under-valued real estate with their IRA or retirement plan funds?

Here Are Five Reasons Why Using IRA Funds To Purchase Real Estate Makes Sense:
  • The stock market has tanked, and investors have lost confidence! Almost everyone's stock market portfolio is down 30% or more. Buying real estate just makes sense.

  • Real estate prices are dramatically lower than just two years ago, creating tremendous upside through both a higher future resale value (plus any rent you collect in the interim)!

  • There is a tremendous amount of foreclosures and auctions where you can pick up beautiful homes for 50% or less of their value!

  • Equity accumulates tax-free!

  • The properties can generate rental income!
Keep in mind that by purchasing real estate in their IRAs, clients and prospects are not changing what their retirement plan funds do (building tax-free value for use at some future date); they are simply changing the type of investment in their retirement account (from stocks, bonds, and mutual funds to real estate).

How To Take Advantage Of This In Your Mortgage Business

Buying Real Estate in and IRA is a great new way to open up a new marketing niche for yourself. And - it's EASY! Simply do the following four things:
  • Get your free marketing materials from the Mortgage Estate Training Center ( ). These materials show the hows and whys of a Real Estate IRA and, importantly, do the work of educating clients and prospects for you so you can stay focused on your business!

  • Prepare your Realtors for referrals - some Realtors may understand these concepts, most do not. If needed, send your Realtor partners to the supporting education pages we provide for Realtors (

  • Call current clients, past clients, and realtors, and post the free marketing materials on your website. For instance, you can mail the sample customer letter we provide to notify your past clients of this great opportunity. This letter gives the important basics, and gets them coming back to you for their mortgage needs! In many cases, your current and past clients may not have a real estate agent, so you create or solidify reciprocal Realtor relationships!

  • Start doing the mortgages and taking Realtor referrals!
Again, everything is handled for you! We offer several PDFs, text and tile ads, and sample letter for you to use on your website and marketing materials. Simply tell your clients and prospects about this hot new idea - and you've created a new stream of income!

Ancillary Benefits

Most mortgage brokers have the contact information for hundreds of customers for whom they have previously provided mortgage services. Calling or sending them the intro letter we provide means you will be getting phone calls on how to take action, and many of these callers won't have a real estate agent.

Thus, this program now becomes a great way to great bigger, more beneficial reciprocal agreements with local realtors. Essentially, you send them some of your people who want to buy properties in their IRAs, and the realtor sends you some of his or her customers who need mortgages.

Thus, you've built several new revenue streams: one from your existing customers, and many others from each of the realtors for whom you have now become their preferred mortgage broker!

About Buying Real Estate In An IRA

There are a couple of technical requirements that allow people to purchase real estate in an IRA. Though mortgage brokers are not financial advisors, they should know the following:
  • Purchasing real estate in an IRA is allowable under the ERISA Act of 1974.

  • Purchasers have to have a separate investment account with the required documentation, plus abide by a few simple rules, namely, that funds in this account cannot be commingled with other funds. In other words, you can't pay for improvements with your personal money, and rent must be deposited into this account. Doing so voids the tax-free benefits of your IRA.

  • Most brokerage houses do not support - and therefore allow - investors to hold real estate in an IRA (most brokerages houses would rather have multiple stock transactions than one house purchase). Therefore, individuals purchasing real estate in their IRAs must use an approved provider for both their account set-up and documentation. (We have included a list of those vendors below.)

How To Follow-Through On This Idea

This is a great new way to open up a new marketing niche for yourself. And - it's EASY! Because the "paperwork" for setting up this program is facilitated for your clients by an outside party, all you have to do is connect the buyers with the company and then set them up with your Realtor partners to find the properties.

Everything else is handled for you! It's as simple as adding a link on your website and marketing materials to your client packages and you've got a new stream of income!

And this is just for the people you already know or who visit your website. Think about the possibilities if you decided to offer seminars on this topic! Or you went to an investor's meeting with this idea. Or you talked to your CPA's and Financial Planner's clients. This is NEWS. And when you have news, it's worth putting you in front of people - people you would never have had access to before. It can open up whole new worlds in your business.

Sample Lead Generation Ads & PDFs

Summary Of Benefits
  • First and foremost, you'll be helping current and past clients by showing them a new investment vehicle

  • By generating new buyers, you'll be a source of referrals for real estate agents and title companies, helping to strengthen and build these relationships

  • You'll also benefit from any new mortgages created out of the IRA purchases and from the new mortgages created out of the opened floodgate of referrals from your Realtor partners

How To Get Started
Step 1: Notify Your Clients & Prospects

We offer several PDFs and/or text and tile ads for use on your website and marketing materials, plus a sample customer letter for you to send to your clients and prospects. Simply use them on your website and marketing materials, and/or call your clients and prospects about this hot new idea!

Step 2: Have Your Clients & Prospects Set Up Their Accounts

Clients and prospects receiving your letter or seeing the PDF or text/tile ads on your site can click to view a PDF or a customer-facing web page showing the benefits of purchasing real estate in an IRA (view samples: website | PDF). These materials explain how to purchase real estate with an IRA or a retirement account, plus provides a listing of some of the companies offering the required account set up and documentation. Your clients can do the account set up and funding while you find them a well-matched Realtor and do the mortgage!
Get started now - before some other faster-moving mortgage broker in your area does - by selecting the marketing materials that work best for you!
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