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Problem Loan Identification

Webinar: ID# 1042592
Live on 7/8/2024 from 2:30pm till 4:30pm EST or via On-Demand
About This Course:
We will cover how to identify early warning signs of problem loans in the following areas: business and operational, accounting, working capital, financial statements, the back office, and relationship issues.What You'll Learn:
  • Develop a concrete set of procedures once a problem loan has been identified
  • Explore options for resolving problem loans including workout, outplacement, and liquidation
  • Explain guarantor risks and guarantor contingencies to ensure the loan is properly underwritten
  • Discuss who is responsible for sounding the alarm and developing an action plan
Problem Loan Identification
Live on 7/8/2024 from 2:30pm till 4:30pm EST or via On-Demand
Share This: 5755 North Point Parkway, Suite 227 | Alpharetta, GA 30022 | 770-410-1219 |
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