About This Course:
This webinar draws upon the speaker's 25+ years of teaching loan documentation and practicing law. Experienced bankers will benefit from confirmation of knowing "the right thing to do." New lenders will learn to avoid the most frequent exceptions and loss-causing mistakes. The focus is on commercial asset-based lending rather than real estate or consumer. All types of collateral are covered.
What You'll Learn:- Misclassification of collateral and bad collateral descriptions
- Filing the perfection document in the wrong location
- Using the wrong borrower/debtor name
- Not obtaining the proper authorization documentation
- Improper assessment of lien position
- Failing to amend your UCC-1
- Failing to continue or terminate your UCC-1
- Leaving items to post closing or making exceptions
- Failing to properly monitor your borrower's post-closing documentation obligations
- Inadvertently waiving rights